Cleaning & Care

Jolie Perle jewelry is made of delicate metals and precious stones, so mindful care will ensure the longevity of your heirloom.
Always take off your jewelry before showering, exercising, putting on lotions or perfumes, or while cleaning.
When not wearing a necklace, please lay flat on a soft cloth or hang it in a proper jewelry box to avoid scratching or tangling.
To clean your jewelry with fine gemstones such as diamonds, use a soft toothbrush with dish soap and gently clean the metal and stones. Finish with a blast of cool air from a blow-dryer to remove water residue spots.
It is a common misconception that fine jewelry will last forever without any kind of care or maintenance routine. 
While it’s tempting to wear your pieces non-stop, we recommend you...
Remove pieces before showering, swimming, cleaning, gardening or sweating. 
Do not wear your jewelry while exercising.
Keep your jewelry away from chemicals including perfume, cosmetics, lotions, hair spray and oils.